Monday, July 5, 2010


When we first arrived in Buffalo we were all eager to row the straight fours. It was a new experience, and most of us had never rowed them before so we were eager to test them out. Colin had told us all that the straight fours would be difficult to row at first, but I really don't think anyone believed him until we started rowing them. The first week was basically all drills, which was fine when we rowed by pairs, but as soon as we switched to all fours it was like we were all novices again. Since then we have managed to pull things together, everyone is making changes and the two boats are getting progressively faster.

In terms of speed everyone is pretty evenly matched so seat race results have been very inconsistent, but hopefully we can get the boats chosen soon, giving us as much time in our boats as possible. We have our 2k test this afternoon which hopefully will produce some fast times. More updates to come, most likely on wednesday.

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